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WMBD 2024: protect insects, protect birds

If you're wondering why this conservation theme was chosen for World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) 2024, here is the official announcement by Environment for the Americas (EFTA), the home of WMBD.

03 January 2024- We are excited to announce that the upcoming World Migratory Bird Day campaign in 2024 will focus on the importance of insects and their impact on migratory birds. Insects are essential sources of energy for many migratory bird species, supporting their extensive journeys and greatly affecting the timing, duration, and overall success of bird migrations.

Along their migration routes, birds actively seek out insects in fields, forests, wetlands, and various habitats during stopovers. The timing of their bird migration often coincides with peak insect abundance at stopover locations, supplying nourishment for birds to replenish their energy reserves before continuing their journey.

The loss and disturbance of insect populations along avian migration routes threaten bird survival and well-being. Natural spaces like forests and grasslands are transformed or endangered by intensive agriculture and urban development, resulting in a decline in insect populations. Pesticides and herbicides designed to protect crops can unintentionally harm beneficial insects that birds rely on for food. Pollution from sources like plastics and industrial waste also negatively impacts insect health. A scarcity of energy-rich insects can hinder bird migration, leading to weakened immune systems, reduced reproductive success, and increased mortality rates for both adult birds and their offspring. Birds play crucial roles in pollination and pest control, and a lack of insects disrupts these ecosystem functions. Overpopulation of certain insects, without natural predators from birds, can cause outbreaks that damage plant health and agriculture.

The World Migratory Bird Day campaign in 2024 will stress the need for proactive conservation measures to maintain the delicate balance between birds and insects.

In 2024, World Migratory Bird Day will take place on 11 May and 12 October, aligning with the cyclic nature of bird migration in different hemispheres.

The connection between birds and insects is vital for sustaining the awe-inspiring phenomenon of bird migration. By embracing conservation, raising public awareness, and deepening our understanding of these relationships, we create a healthier ecosystem for birds, insects, and the greater natural world.

To learn more about this year’s World Migratory Bird Day campaign and actions to take, visit:

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